Ellie the artist loves to add a little to the paper and a little to herself. But I don't think I will let her have markers in the back seat of the car again.
Noah the artist had his first gallery opening yesterday. His preschool has been studying sea life and had an underwater art exhibit. He created wonderful squids and urchins but the sea star was his favorite. This, of course, has only furthered his obsession with deep sea divers.
My recent works.... I'm loving the vine flowers for cards. The top piece is for Noah. Swim lessons were a big hairy deal around here. Huge college pool, tons of kids, college student instructors, no mommies in the boy's dressing room, no parents in the pool area and Noah just jumped in. Maybe we will survive kindergarten?
A friend recently told me that 40 is a holy number, signifying the struggle between man and God. Think Noah on the ark, Jesus in the dessert, I'm sure there's more.
Above is my 40. 40 cards. 40 seedlings - collaged bits of green layered on loose watercolor sunrise.
The cards are for church, something to do with Easter and youth sunday. But the struggle was all mine.