Sunday, August 19, 2012

All I want to do is stay at home and make pirate dolls.  This little beauty has recycled sari ribbon hair, cargo pants head and body, felted sweater arms and a flour sack dress.

I start my new/old job this week.  I'll be teaching middle school art, mornings only, so I'll have a few hours everyday to create (well and get the rest of my work done, before the kids come home.)  I'm not happy about summer ending, but I'm looking forward to my new adventure.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

the speed of life

things are moving fast these days. go go go crash crash crash
I am officially the new middle school art teacher.
I am dreaming about summer and slowing back down.
oh, and I'm featured in the spring issue of Somerset Apprentice.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Adventure: The End of House Wifery

Poor 2012, it is February and you still do not have a new journal. Well, cry no more Twenty Twelve. I have made you a journal. This new journal will record my adventures as a middle school art teacher (almost official) and a wife/momma. All the joys, ideas, hurts and angry rants will be contained on your pages. Let the adventure begin!

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year

I started this new year with a new adventure. I'm back in a middle school - teaching art. It is not a for sure, permanent thing, yet. I cried the night before I started. We moved here so I could be home with my babies. I felt like I was giving up my 6 year full time mommy career. But sometimes, it is just time. Ellie is thrilled to go to her babysitter's house after preschool. Lately, she has needed me less and less which in some ways made me feel smaller and smaller. And being alone in the house no longer felt like a luxury, but like yellow wall papered room, just right for going crazy inside. It is good to work. It is a privilege to get to do what you do best. Who knows what will happen this year, but it is definitely new.