Monday, October 3, 2011

I'm back......

new gallery wall in the kitchen

Little Red, in brother-in-law made frame, and spelling words on post its

Ellie Blue's studio

New hats, only the tiny baby one is still available, good craft fair last week

my favorite hat model

Little Bird
Fiona, the cashmere bunny

Last week I had no computer. Seriously, over a week of checking email on my I pod. My poor lap top crashed and could not be fixed without erasing everything. Thankfully, my hubby is a computer wiz and was able to save my lap top.

Anyway, I 've been working on the house a bit, making hat and critters and this week I am teaching at the college. College students can be so quiet, it's creepy. Here are the pictures, well not of the college students, that would be really creepy, pictures of the other stuff.

1 comment:

Dani Mann said...

Fabulous. All of it. Ellie's work table is totally awesome.