Monday, March 2, 2009

Life is like a box of...

I occasionally enter art magazine contests. Well, No, I occasionally think about entering art magazine contests, but I don't finish in time or give away the art instead of actually entering it. I have been published several times, but never as part of a contest. I don't really like competition. I don't really like games. It is my families fault. My twin older sisters always won and my mom goes slightly insane with competition over the simplest of card games. Anyway, one of the art magazines I read is having a competition for 12"x12" works with the theme "Life is Like a box of..." So here are my submissions: "Life is like a box of children, they of course, are pretending it is a space ship" and "Life is like a box of cereal, the best part is the surprise inside." If I win I'll probably become very famous and won't have any time for blogging, so for your sake it is o.k. if I lose.

P.S. Ellie's turtle is in the chair next to her. "Real" turtles can't drink tea!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh man! That box of children should totally win! VERY AWESOME.

P.S. I see the turtle now...