Monday, December 7, 2009

tHeRe muSt bE sOmEtHiNg oFF...

More animals in transportation....I just can't stop.

But that's not the thing that's off.

I'm just not feeling Christmas this year, actually I'm dreading it. I am a holiday girl. I love making, buying and wrapping just the right gift for everyone. I love making the holidays fun a special for our wee ones. I love sugar cookies and egg nod.

But this year something is off. I would be ok with skipping Christmas. Don't get me wrong I still want Jesus to be born, but do I really need to exchange holiday cards with the garbage men?

I guess it all feels like too much work. What do you think?


Dani said...

OMG... using the globe/map as the water is just FABULOUS. Love it.

You can skip the commercialized side of Christmas if you would like... except for my gift... that's all I'm sayin'...

You should make a sailing cat all in shades of black, grey & red, with hints of yellow (other than the blue water I mean). I know someone who would like that... and it would look so nice next to other art pieces this person happens to own... Just sayin'...

Jill said...

But I already made you a water buffalo driving a motorcycle!?! Now what will I do?

Dani said...

Water Buffalo's Rock.